Personal Best Wrasse on the Soft Plastics!

So i know i have been focusing on the Mullet for a week now, and i have had 6 in total - 1 Thick Lipped and 5 Golden Grey's up to 1lb 10oz. But awaiting on the photos to do those reports.

Here is Ritchie with his first ever Mullet (he is hooked on Mullet fishing already)

Saturday morning i was awake by 5am went for a mullet till around 9am just getting annoyed watching this nice Thick Lipped eat every bit of bread but mine!

I Needed a break from the Mulleting! Headed down to one of my favorite marks and first cast of my soft plastic and my rod bent double oh god with was a big fish! after a great hard fight by the Wrasse i got it in the net! This is the time i have no camera or lure forum tape measure.

Found a nice rock pool for it to lie in whilst i got the phone out and made a few calls luckily Peter Haworth was the man who popped down! So here are the pictures of the 5lb 8oz Wrasse:

Here is a close up Shot :)
And finally a ruler shot (53cm)

I had 9 more wrasse another of 4lb 3oz and x3 Pollack up to 1lb 9oz

Later on ,or tomorrow i shall hopefully do a post with Bass, Mullet & Gilthead Bream 


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