Turtles, Carp and Doughballs

I went out today with fellow RI CAGer Paul, and we hit a hot pond on the east side of the Bay. More than just carp were real active today. We landed 6 commons and 3 snapping turtles, two of which were the size of man hole covers. The key to fishing this place where the fish can be finicky was using freelined doughballs.

Freelining is fishing with just the bait on the hook......no sinker. In this case we were using #8 hooks and we packed the white part of a slice of bread around the hook forming a small ball about the size of a marble. It is cast out and I like to fish the reel with an open bail. It is amazing how effective this can be. Today we each fished two outfits....one freelined and the other with a sinker and hair rigged hook. Without question, the freelined set ups got most of the attention from both the turtles and the carp. Realize the disadvantage to freelining is that you miss a high percentage of hits.


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