Jeff Allard and I went out a few days ago to explore a new spot. It was as hot as it could get as we landed 12 big mirrors that went from 12-22 lbs. The hits were fast and furious, and the fish were super aggressive.
Suddenly, the unt

hinkable happened. My outfit was sitting on a bankstick with an alarm. Of course, the reel was in freespool. Without warning I had a violent hit, and the reel started spinning at a high rate of speed. In the blink of an eye the rod lifted off the bankstick and flew into the water. Just like that....GONE. Jeff and I tried for about an hour to snag it, but no luck. I suspect the freespool failed or the line came off the reel at such a high speed that it tangled within the spool. So, I join the club of many who have lost an outfit to an aggressive carp.
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